CHSRA District 4 proudly representing the Counties of San Mateo, Santa Clara, Santa Cruz, San Benito, Monterey, Contra Costa, Alameda and San Francisco
CHSRA District 4 proudly representing the Counties of San Mateo, Santa Clara, Santa Cruz, San Benito, Monterey, Contra Costa, Alameda and San Francisco



Interested in Junior or High School Rodeo? 


New and renewing membership opens August 1, 2024.  Enrollment docs must be completed and fees paid per deadlines in order to participate in September rodeos.


National Membership link NHSRA


State Membership link CHSRA

CHSRA Fee Payment Portal is open August 23rd for JH & HS Members


Important Dates for Membership

August 7th - District 4 Membership Meeting, 6:30 PM,

101 Auction Yard

August 15th* - Deadline to pay NHSRA Dues

August 20th* - Upload all paperwork to NHSRA Portal

August 23rd - CHSRA payment portal opens to pay youth membership and adult associate membership fees

August 31st* - Deadline to pay CHSRA membership and associate member fees

November 1st  - Sponsorship Deadline

Feberuary 1st - Fundraiser Auction Item ($50 Value) Due at Check-in at rodeo or pay $100 fine


*To be eligible to compete in the Oakdale (9/13-9/15) and Gilroy (9/20-9/22) rodeos you must pay NHSRA Fees (8/15); upload all NHSRA, CHSRA & CHSRA D4 (8/20); pay CHSRA Fees (8/31)


Contact our Membership Secretaries for more information

Junior High (Grades 5-8)  Melissa Mendonsa

High School (Grades 9-12) Nita Nino

Membership Checklist

2024-25 District 4 Membership Checklist
Use this checklist to track your completion (and upload) of documents (and tasks) required to finish enrollment in NHSRA, CHSRA and District 4. This handy dandy tool will keep you on task!
2024-2025 District 4 Rodeo Membership Ch[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [146.6 KB]

Download forms for Junior High School (JH), High School (HS), District 4 Contract and District 4 Sponsorship Forms to complete your application for membership. 

Membership Forms

2024-25 HS Membership Packet
High School Membership Packet
UPDATED_2024-2025 HS Membership Packet.p[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [609.7 KB]
2024-25 JH Membership Packet
Junior High (Grades 5-8) Membership Packet
UPDATED_2024-2025 JH Membersip Packet.pd[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [620.8 KB]
NHSRA Social Media Policy
NHSRA CA Social Media Policy 2024-25.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [209.8 KB]

Membership Contract

2024-25 CHSRA District 4 Member Contract
All JH & HS Members must read, understand and agree to the terms to become a member in CHSRA District 4
2024-2025 CHSRA DISTRICT 4 CONTRACT (3).[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [90.0 KB]

Sponsorship Form & Fees Due November 1st

CHSRA D4 Sponsorship Form
Form and fees are due by November 1st to maintain eligibility to rodeo.
2024-2025 D4 SPONSORSHIP FORM.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [227.3 KB]

Thank you to our CHSRA District 4 Platinum Sponsors

D4 Facebook Page Official Facebook Page
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